Free postage on orders over £75. hardy succulents sedum Orostachys sempervivum Delosperma Succulents for events succulent living wall Hardy succulent Hanging Basket Kits
Free postage on orders over £75. hardy succulents sedum Orostachys sempervivum Delosperma Succulents for events succulent living wall Hardy succulent Hanging Basket Kits
Key Features:
Drought tolerant, no more asking your neighbours to water your baskets while you are away.
Ideal for the holiday rental market or for second homes.
Virtually maintenance free.
Minimal deadheading.
Permanently planted, so no plant food needed for a few years.
Provides colour and interest all year round.
No need to provide protection in the winter months, leave it hanging outside 365 days a year.
Vine weevil proof (they can’t fly).
Each planter will be unique.The hangers are completely weather proof.
1 x 23cm to 28cm weatherproof round container. I use terracotta bowls.
5 - 10 plants depending on size. Select evergreen, semi trailing, trailing and/or Delosperma for summer interest and bee happiness. 🐝 Select flowering sedums for summer colour, height and if you would like butterflies by your door. 🦋
Ideally 1x trailing, 1x semi trailing 1x evergreen sedum 1x Delosperma 1x flowering sedum.
1 x M/L hanger (link to product)
1 x 33 cm to 35cm weatherproof round container with drainage. I use terracotta bowls, but you could use aluminium jam making pan or something similar.
9 - 12 plants depending on size. Select evergreen, semi trailing, trailing and/or Delosperma for summer interest and bee happiness. 🐝 Select flowering sedums for summer colour, height and if you would like butterflies by your door. 🦋
Ideally 3 x trailing,, 3 x semi trailing 2 x evergreen sedum 2 x Delosperma 1x flowering sedum.
1 x XL hanger (link to product)