Free postage on orders over £75. hardy succulents sedum Orostachys sempervivum Delosperma Succulents for events succulent living wall Hardy succulent Hanging Basket Kits
Free postage on orders over £75. hardy succulents sedum Orostachys sempervivum Delosperma Succulents for events succulent living wall Hardy succulent Hanging Basket Kits
Hardy succulents are a perfect choice for a outdoor living wall or vertical planting. In recent years lots of modular kits have come on the market. More recently living walls were constructed on a large scale in inner cities, to give green relief to our concrete jungles but their history is much longer than we realise.
The first manually constructed wall dates back to 600bc when the King of Babylon wanted to remind his new bride of her childhood garden. In the Middle Ages queens became competitive with creating beautiful vertical gardens from climbing plants on their castle walls.
In the Victorian era the popularity of houseplants exploded, with botanical explorers returning from afar with new seeds and species. Trailing plants in particular became a trend for the wealthy orangery owners.
In 1937 the Botanical Brick was invented but the general economy following the post war era wasn’t favourable to indulgent inventions. Fast forward to 1988, the first official living wall module kit was invented in France inspired by the natural jungle. Indoor living walls appeared in office buildings, employers recognising the benefit of green spaces on the health of their employees.
Today anyone can purchase a modular kit, but what to plant? With this in mind I have designed three different kits. Kit no 1, kit no 2 with a little bit of added height and kit no 3 which is purely evergreen.
Colour is key, a kaleidoscope of all year round interest.